Formazione docenti di lingua inglese

English Language Centre - Udine

Cambridge Online Workshop November 25th 2024

We are really excited to invite you to our “Cambridge Online Workshop” on 25th November!
We will be talking about Cambridge Digital Resources for teachers and discuss any questions you may have on how to get the most out of those resources. 
Here are the details:
25th November  from 17:00 to 18:00
17:00-17:10 Welcome – Rachel Price, Director ELC Udine

17:10-17:50 ‘Cambridge Digital Resources and much more! How to make the most of what’s out there’ – Filippo Pavesi, Learning and
Assessment Consultant, Cambridge English

17:50-18:00 Q&A
You can enrol at the following link:

A day with Cambridge April 2024

Novità ELC Udine

Ci siamo trasferiti in
Viale G. Duodo 98,
33100 Udine